Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ajax!!! What’s That?

“Another Technology!!!???? Oops, I am sorry I can’t take anymore.” – Mr.X said today.

I asked him a question “Here, I will give you two situations and you have to tell me which one your will choose. OK?” He said, “Go on!!!”

The situation is this “You visit your Facebook page for adding a friend (Mr.Y) by clicking “Add as Friend” button. Next, the confirmation message “You Have successfully added Mr.Y as your friend” will appear.

Now, the two options for printing the above confirmation message in your browser are:

Option:1. Your entire webpage refreshes to show the above confirmation message.

Option:2. Just displaying the confirmation message just below the button without refreshing the entire webpage.

Now tell me which option you are comfortable with?

Mr.X said “Obviously, It’s Option:2 as I don’t want my entire page to refresh which will eat up my time and it is also not user friendly”

I told him “Then Mr.X, AJAX is the technology which is used in the background to achieve Option:2”

Mr.X said  “OMG!!! Really??? I didn’t know that before”