Monday, September 14, 2009

Worst Nightmare – Test Ground @ NTU!!!

We struggled hard as me and other friends went through the slides before exam as usual. I finally found that everything was a mere waste of time. we though it’s just a quiz which will constitute 10% of our final CGPA grade, antagonistically the question paper itself ran for 6 pages but the time given to answer the question was a mere 1.25 hrs. OMG!!! It literally ripped my a** off!!!

The paper had no ‘what is what’ question. I’m pretty sure that a paper of such standard cannot be completed even with the help of internet and books. Mind you, to add spice in the savour this test was declared ‘closed-book’ . Well, I can’t take more than this.

I finally scribbled something to match the proximal answer and finished the test. It is no where compared to the Anna University question paper, for that I am damn sure.

I am wondering, if people here can set question papers in such standards for the supposedly easy subject like software analysis, design and development, Is the worst nightmare yet to come for the other toughest subjects ahead???!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The boy with the striped pyjamas


My friend Prasath and I share common interests in many areas in life and one such is film / cinema. We apparently had a chat yesterday in GTalk and he told me about this new film “The boy with the striped pyjamas” which he saw and weeped for two hours. At first, I thought that this movie is like a yet another teen movie as it sounds like that. But, I was wrong.


I started watching this movie and eventually got myself glued to that. OMG… Finally I had the satisfaction of watching another very good movie and yes, it was very poignant movie and kindled my emotions towards the end. I recommend this movie for all movie buffs who shares the same interest of watching movies like ‘A Beautiful Mind’, ‘Life is beautiful’ or ‘Shawshank redemption’ etc. If you like these film then you will add this film also in your most favourite movie. You can’t stop weeping after this… such a wonderful movie.


The movie is about a young boy of 8 who was asked to come out of Berlin where he had a good life with his friends around in school. The reason is that his father is a German higher official and he was promoted to another post in a different city in Germany.

The film’s cinematography is awesome and every character has its importance. This boy loves to explore a lot and he finally finds a camp where Jews were imprisioned. He slowly gets acquainted with a Jew young boy of his age and becomes a very good friend. Betrayal, Guilty consciousness and subtle emotions were really taken care off. Watch and feel the movie…. Finally, you will have the satisfaction of watching a good movie.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I’m bored!!!

It’s Saturday and the climate is gloomy. Scratching my ass to make time move faster. It’s not unusual as so many of us would have encountered this kind of boredom :(


I started off with singing Pain White T’s 1234 – I love you song. You can listen to this version below.


Download DJ VJ - Plain White T's 1234


Lyrics can be found in the webpage given above.

Please comment here.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Robotics for Surgery!!!

Robotics has come a long way. The recent technologies help doctors to make surgery remotely.

A pill which the patients swallows can actually swim inside your stomach and reach the destination through proper guided robotic pills. Amazed!!! Even, these pills can be actually made to combine together to form a large robot which can be controlled.

Wait for more, why bothering about your doctor’s absence? Worry not!!! anymore.

Is levitation possible?

‘Break the rule’ is what i like most. Levitation brakes the rule of gravity-pull. Do you know Japan’s Bullet train uses Levitation to cruise fast???!!!

Levitation is possible by creating a field of space with super conducting magnets. The prototype was developed in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

Actually, you can’t figure out from this angle. But, believe me the rat is actually floating. These magnets can produce 17 Teslas which is equivalent to 1000 times your powerful fridge magnet available in everyone’s house.

Interesting fact is that, they have tried floating frogs and strawberries. This experiment can help us in understanding the change in our body conditions in space where there is no gravity.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When a Java Servlet / JSP is used?

If you are a hard core programmer then please skip this blog. As this is to enlighten the new programmers.

One common doubt which is when I should use Java Servlet and JSP? For all you know, Servlet is used when you have more Java codes to be used and less HTML tags. On the other hand, JSP is used when you have more number of HTML tags and less JAVA code.

The next question should  is Why??? Is there a reason behind this?

Yes, the following are the advantages of each other:

Servlet: Advantages

1. A java IDE like Eclipse, NetBeans can be used to create these servlets with ease and can be complied using javac whithout any problem as all you know, Servlet is just another class which extends HttpServlet class.

So, use Servlets where Java code is required more and less HTML.

JSP: Advantages

1. The easiest thing for a programmer is writing HTML codes – no indentation – no hard and fast rules – Just write anything and you can see a HTML page :)

2. Also, the point to be noted is that a new servlet will be created whenever you modify the JSP.

So, use JSP where there is a requirement of more HTML and less Java code.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ajax!!! What’s That?

“Another Technology!!!???? Oops, I am sorry I can’t take anymore.” – Mr.X said today.

I asked him a question “Here, I will give you two situations and you have to tell me which one your will choose. OK?” He said, “Go on!!!”

The situation is this “You visit your Facebook page for adding a friend (Mr.Y) by clicking “Add as Friend” button. Next, the confirmation message “You Have successfully added Mr.Y as your friend” will appear.

Now, the two options for printing the above confirmation message in your browser are:

Option:1. Your entire webpage refreshes to show the above confirmation message.

Option:2. Just displaying the confirmation message just below the button without refreshing the entire webpage.

Now tell me which option you are comfortable with?

Mr.X said “Obviously, It’s Option:2 as I don’t want my entire page to refresh which will eat up my time and it is also not user friendly”

I told him “Then Mr.X, AJAX is the technology which is used in the background to achieve Option:2”

Mr.X said  “OMG!!! Really??? I didn’t know that before”